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[ICOM] November/December 2024 News Letter

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작성자 관리자 작성일24-11-27 09:20 조회836회 댓글0건



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Welcome to the ICOM Bimonthly Newsletter! In this issue, we highlight ICOM’s advocacy for museums in culture-based climate action at the G20 in Brazil, share insights from ICOM's participation at COP29, and invite cities to host the ICOM General Conference 2028.

G20 Brazil: ICOM advocates the key role of museums in culture-based climate action

ICOM has been actively contributing to the 4th Technical Meeting of the Culture Working Group and was present at the Meeting of G20 Ministers of Culture held in Brazil between the 4th and 8th November. Throughout the proceedings, ICOM advocated for the key role of museums and the transformative potential of culture in society, its impact on the economy and sustainable and inclusive development, as well as the promotion of a culture of peace and harmony among peoples. Read more

ICOM Amplifies Culture’s Voice at COP29 in Baku

ICOM took part in the 29th United Nations Climate Change Conference – COP29 in Baku, Azerbaijan, where culture and cultural heritage are elevated as integral components of climate action.

“ICOM advocates for and supports the full integration of culture into climate action plans on all levels,” said ICOM Director General Medea S. Ekner, reflecting the organisation’s commitment. Read more

Host the ICOM General Conference 2028

The International Council of Museums (ICOM) is excited to announce the call for applications to host the 28th edition of the ICOM General Conference, the global event that shapes the future of museums and drives cultural exchange worldwide.  The ICOM General Conference brings together over 4000 museum professionals from around the world to discuss the future of museums, cultural exchange, and innovation. Past conferences have made significant contributions to the global museum community.

Hosting this event offers cities a chance to shine on the international stage and make a lasting impact on the global museum community
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ICOM & the fight against the traffic of cultural goods: between tradition and innovation
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Publication of Museum International Open Edition: Re-Imagining the Museum

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